Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery is pleased to participate in the Los Angeles Art Show as a member of the Fine Arts Dealer Association. As the only gallery in the show representing 150 years of American art, we look forward to standing apart from the crowd. We will be bringing works from the following schools: California Plein Air, Trompe L'Oeil, Nineteenth Century Romanticisim, Luminism, Figurative Painting, Surrealism, American Scene (Regionalism), Early modernism, High Modernism and Contemporary Portraiture.
ARTISTS INCLUDED: Gertrude Abercrombie | Anders Aldrin | Bo Bartlett | Isabel Bishop | Carl Oscar Borg | Harry Carmean | Colin Campbell Cooper | Francis Criss | Lockwood de Forest | Lorser Feitelson | Henry Chapman Ford | Richard Haines | Leon Kelly | W.H.D. Koerner | Betty Lane | Helen Lundeberg | Alexis B. Many | Knud Merrild | Ben Messick | Thomas Moran | John Nava | Hank Pitcher | Granville Redmond | Frederick Remahl | Sueo Serisawa | Dorothy Sklar | Jack R. Smith | Nell Walker Warner | Howard Warshaw | Max Weber | William Wendt