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HOLLI HARMON - Artists - Sullivan Goss Art Gallery

LA, Lawns and Lies, 2019

48 x 48 inches  |  Oil and cold wax on panel

Holli Harmon finds herself to be a contrarian at times, so as a painter, the description of a “contemporary traditionalist” is fitting.  Her work revolves around human experiences that are connection points between different cultures and generations set in iconic California imagery. Her paintings are material records of these places and people.

Harmon continually experiment with the paint and surface and texture, so that it has a life separate from the subject it describes.  The image is not photorealistic, but rather painted by any means necessary, whether it is impasto paint with palette knives and cold wax or thin glazes of color.

Through her personal lens, She discovers themes and re-tells stories that make up our human experience.  They are always found on the edge of our own personal borders of space and time.

Harmon grew up in the small town of Redlands in Southern California.  It holds a University that was surrounded by a sea of orange groves with a purple mountain range as its backdrop.  It was the quintessential small town filled with odd characters, opposing points of view, and erratic transitions from old habits and traditions to a modern SoCal suburb.  Her upbringing was equally eccentric and mainstream.  She recieved a Bachelor's degree from and attended UC San Diego for graduate school.  She has lived along the coast of California ever since.  She has lived in Santa Barbara for over 30 years.  


3:35  |  Narrated by Susan Bush  |  Released for HOLLI HARMON: Califia, 2020

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