Sullivan Goss is excited to announce the first few works to be shown by CIEL BERGMAN (born Cheryl Bowers), an important artist of the American Southwest who was a professor at U.C.S.B. and who was heavily involved with the Contemporary Arts Forum – the forerunner to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara. Her work will be featured alongside other gallery artists and will join a heroically-sized painting called Mellow by D.J. HALL, one of the finest realist artists in all of California.
Meredith Brooks Abbott, Eric Beltz, Ciel Bergman, Carl Oscar Borg, Ken Bortolazzo, Jane Callister, William Dole, Werner Drewes, Sidney Gordin, Robin Gowen, Richard Haines, DJ Hall, Mary-Austin Klein, Gordon Onslow Ford, Hank Pitcher, Millard Sheets, Nicole Strasburg