Sullivan Goss presents a limited time exhibit of great American modernism, surveying the development of 20th century art from 1920 to 1970. We hope to unravel the tangle of twentieth century art 'isms,' and to leave in its place a greater sense of the modernist narrative and its meaning in art today.
Collectors will get a chance to see treasures of the American modernist movement in the context in which they were created. This exhibit will only be up for three weeks, so all interested people are encouraged to come visit the exhibit before it makes way for a new exhibit.
ARTISTS INCLUDED: Anders Aldrin | John Altoon | John Bernhardt | Byron Browne | Hans Burkhardt | William Dole | Anya Fisher | Richard Haines | Lyla Harcoff | Ida Kohlmeyer | Wayne Lacom | Dan Lutz | Knud Merrild | Ben Messick | Frederick Remahl | Rolph Scarlett | Joseph Solman | Claude Venard | Grace Libby Vollmer | Howard Warshaw