Sullivan Goss will soon open an exhibition with an overly expansive theme – space itself. Outer space and inner space. Negative space and positive space. Imaginary space. Pictorial space. The space in between. Deep space. Architectural space. How do we manage space and how do we perceive it? This exhibition will try to outline what can seem like a limitless concept.
Showing for the first time with Sullivan Goss, ROBIN DONALDSON provided the inspiration for the whole exhibition. Robin is one of the two named partners in the architectural firm SHUBIN DONALDSON. Based in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, the enterprise has risen to international prominence in recent years. Of special note is the completion of the “Hill House” here in Montecito, whose parametric design and innovative construction have redefined residential architecture for a new generation. Robin graduated from U.C.S.B. before going to SCI-Arc. This will be many people’s first opportunity to see the product of his creativity in a different space.
Work made in the 805 looks very strong. U.C.S.B., in particular, is well represented. The internationally-famous minimalist JOHN McCRACKEN (1934-2011) was one of Donaldson’s teachers at U.C.S.B. Fittingly, he is represented by a piece called “Space” from 1982. Another U.C.S.B. professor, internationally-known multi-media artist GEORGE LEGRADY, will be showing one of his Starburst series images made in 3D software from Spitzer telescope data. It is his first time showing with the gallery, too. Another U.C.S.B. teacher, HANK PITCHER – the legendary painter of Central Coast culture, offers a master class in the dynamics of pictorial space. U.C.S.B. M.F.A.s YUMIKO GLOVER and HILARY BRACE are back in the gallery with works that use traditional perspective to create imaginary spaces. NATHAN HUFF, a professor at Westmont, will be showing his heroically scaled All the Light we almost see. Sculptures by KEN BORTOLAZZO, JIM MARTIN, and BLAKENEY SANFORD round out the offering of works by Santa Barbara artists. Sanford will be showing one of her sculptural Portals with the gallery for the first time.
The rest of the works in the exhibition are by American mid-century artists that the gallery has been exhibiting for quite some time. The exception is JUNE WAYNE (1918-2011), founder of the Tamarind Lithography workshop in Los Angeles. Her 1951 print Target predates the iconic series by Jasper Johns. Target is a vortex of pattern that suggests the Milky Way galaxy. She is joined by fellow L.A. modernist HELEN LUNDEBERG (1908-1999) whose hard-edged painting Planet Rising from 1964 shows the Earth as seen from the moon. OSKAR FISCHINGER (1900-1967) has a modernist’s take on single point perspective space with Central Perspective from 1939. WERNER DREWES (1899-1985) is represented by Grids in Space from 1941, which is joined by his pupil SIDNEY GORDIN (1918-1996) who charted the perception of space from a Constructivist point of view over a decades long career.
Ken Bortolazzo | Hilary Brace | Robin Donaldson | Werner Drewes | Oskar Fischinger | Yumiko Glover | Sidney Gordin | Nathan Huff | Mary-Austin Klein | George Legrady | Helen Lundeberg | Jim Martin | John McCracken | Hank Pitcher | Blakeney Sanford | June Wayne