Already well known for her refusal to confine herself to a single style or subject, Robin Gowen redefines herself yet again in her newest exhibition at Sullivan Goss. Now the gallery’s longest represented artist, Break in the Weather marks her ninth solo exhibition with the Gallery. While some of the paintings will feature familiar subjects treated in familiar ways, a number of works mark new territory for the artist.
Continually adventuring out into nature, Robin never fails to offer up something new and different in the genre of landscape painting. She sharpens her gaze to record the intricate branches of a wintery sycamore, crisp and sharp as after a cleansing rainstorm, only to back away from the scene and reduce hillside sunlight to flat planes of candy pink that drip down into chocolatey canyons.
You never know what is going to emerge from the hand of this multifaceted painter. Her main focus is the land as it changes with the light, in every season, with every shift of the weather. This past year in particular, Robin was offered vistas that were ravaged by drought and fire and then soothed by a welcome deluge that promoted vibrant, green growth.
It is rare to catch a glimpse of the ocean in one of her paintings, which is unusual for a plein air painter in a seaside town. Robin keeps her eyes on the hills and valleys, faithfully recreating the botanicals, ridge lines, and canyons that reveal a sense of timeless place, yet one that is that is continually changing from the effects of mother nature.
Robin Gowen was born in Lincoln Nebraska. She graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and received her B.A. from Wellesley College. She is also an accomplished author with two novels published within the last few years, Night Must Wait and Future Past.
2:52 | Susan Bush